Getting Our House in ARDAR Genesis Chapter 1 Verse 6
We are continuing the unfolding of GAWANASHAYASHA the setting of
A Look at The Original Scrips of the So-Called 10 Commandments
Click the Button Below to Watch the Video - This
The Greatest LAWA of the Agreement of Salvation Continued
We continue with Exodus chapter 20 verse 3 in this
The Greatest LAWA of the Agreement of Salvation
The very first and greatest LAWA of the MATSAWAH are
The Standards of Salvation of YHWH the YARAH
Now I have explained and broken down the word, meaning,
ALAMA Unfolded
The OBARAYAM consist of markers or signs.  Markers and signs
The Shema Reading
The "shema" is the modern Hebrew term for the offer
The prayer is seemly easy to learn. The prayer was
YARAH Part 1 Update
We have much to learn and will continue to learn.
Getting Our House In ARDAR Genesis Chapter 1 Verse 5
Looking at Genesis Chapter 1 verse 5 we can see
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